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Showing posts from August, 2018

Week 0 (Aug. 23, 2018): Beginning Spartan Superway

Hello, and welcome to my Spartan Superway blog! My name is Patrick Barrera, and I am a senior mechanical engineering student with a focus in mechatronics. Once I graduate, I hope to go into at least one of my areas of interest: electronics, programming, biotechnology, and machine learning. Some of my hobbies include staying in shape by working out and biking, doing DIY electronic and coding projects, and spending time with my family. Working on the Spartan Superway project interests me because I would like to be a part of the future ... the future of transportation, the future of technology, and the future of society. I like working in interdisciplinary teams, especially with focuses in mechanical design as well as mechatronics, because I am able to learn things from outside my areas of knowledge. I would also like to expand my knowledge and skill set into areas that I do not know, such as welding and other machine tools, and to get hands-on experience with the concepts I learned fro...